Central or Ducted Air Conditioning: Which is the Best Option?

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Central or Ducted Air Conditioning: Which is the Best Option?

Are you thinking about an air conditioning option that provides you with a cooling solution in summer and warm in winter?

If you are looking for an air conditioning system for your home, you should consider two popular options: central air conditioning and ducted air conditioning. Both systems have their own advantages and disadvantages.

If so, you should learn more about central air conditioning and ducted air conditioning.

In this blog post, we are going to explain the advantages and disadvantages of central and ducted air conditioning and guide you to find the best option for you.

Centralized Air Conditioning:

Central air conditioning systems, also known as HVAC systems, work with a single unit installed outside the home.

From the central unit, cool and warm air is sent through ducts to every room in the house.

Central air conditioning systems are a good option if you want a constant climate throughout the house. They are also effective in very hot or very cold climates.

At the same time they are priced higher than other options, but benefit efficiency and savings in the long run.

Ducted Air Conditioning:

Ducted air conditioning works in a similar way to a centralized system. However, multiple indoor units work together to create climate zones in each room.

Each unit is connected to a network of ducts, which extend from the outdoor unit.

Cold or hot air is sent to each of the zones, which allows greater control over the climate.

Duct systems are a good option for larger homes or for those who want more control over different areas of their home.

Which is the best option?

The best air conditioning option depends on what each person needs.

A centralized system is the most efficient option for a large house, where the desired temperature is the same throughout the house.

The ducted system is best for homes, offices, or restaurants where greater control over the temperature in each room is desired.

For those who want to save in the long term, the centralized system is a better initial investment. If temperature control is a priority, the duct system is the ideal option.


Regular maintenance is crucial to keep any air conditioning system running optimally.

Since both options provide air through ducts, it is advisable to do periodic cleaning of the ducts.

Centralized systems need an annual inspection by a professional, to ensure that they work efficiently and detect any problems.

Ducted systems also need regular inspection to ensure that coolant levels are optimal and the ductwork is in good condition.

Choosing between a centralized and ducted air conditioning system depends on your specific needs.

If you want to save in the long term, the centralized system is the ideal option.

If you prefer control over the temperature in each room, the duct system is the best.

Central and ducted air conditioning needs regular care to ensure optimal performance.

Remember, though, that if you invest in annual system care, your air conditioner will last for many years and provide you with a comfortable environment at all times.


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