Assembly or Arming of the Ducts

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Assembly or Arming of the Ducts

To carry out the assembly of the ducts, the following considerations must be taken:

1. Regarding the assembly of the ducts, this will be determined according to its section (width + height)

a. For ducts with a section of up to 26 inches, they will be manufactured to be assembled in one part.

b. For ducts with a section of up to 54 inches, these will be manufactured to be assembled in two parts (L-shaped manufacturing).

c. For ducts with a section equal to or greater than 55 inches, these will be manufactured in 4 parts.

2. The ductwork pieces (elbows, reductions, boots, deviations, etc.) will always be manufactured in 4 parts, with the exception of the round and square-to-round necks.

3. The Seam of the ducts or the type of closure will depend on the working pressures and the types are the following:

a. Seam Type or Snap Lock Closure:

(i) The groove must be 5/8” for 20, 22 and 24 gauges

(ii) They can work up to a Pressure of 3" and if the duct is greater than 48" wide, it must be screwed at the end of the duct.

b. Type of Seam or Closure Pittsburgh Lock:

(i) The depth of the groove goes from 1/4” to 5/8”.

(ii) They are used in straight ducts and accessories

(iii) It can be used up to 10" Pressure

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