TDC or TDF type duct manufacturing process

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TDC or TDF type duct manufacturing process

In the following steps we will be describing the manufacturing process of TDC and TDF type ducts.

1. The equipment is programmed with the dimensions of the Standard type ducts (so called because they come out the length of the width of the coil).

2. The equipment makes dies in the loaded dimensions, so that they are a reference for the doubles of each face and then the plate makes a cut so that the duct is formed. This equipment can bend the duct only when it is for Zeta and Staple type; and depending on the dimension of the duct, you can fold them in 4 (the duct comes out ready only for closing), in "L" (the duct comes out in 2 parts) or if the duct is very large, you can do it on 4 sides. Here many ducts can be manufactured with the same dimensions and the manufacturing process is almost zero waste.

3. When leaving the machine, they are transferred to the equipment that performs the Snap Lock type closures, where the male and female seams are made.

4. Then they go to the team that performs the TDF or TDC.

5. Later they go to the bender, this is a bender that can be used for TDC or TDF pipelines.

6. Goes to the assembly process, where the union of the female seam and the Snap Lock male seam is made.

7. Finally, the corner pieces are installed.


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