Rectangular ducts in air conditioning installations

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Rectangular ducts in air conditioning installations

There are many things that go into the design and installation of rectangular ductwork for air conditioning systems. In this post, we will explore the background of this type of ducting, how it is designed and manufactured, and some tips for installers.

Rectangular ducts are a common choice for air conditioning systems, due to their efficiency in managing airflow. The rectangular duct shape also allows for easier installation in tight spaces.

Rectangular duct design involves calculating the volume and velocity of airflow, as well as static pressure loss. These calculations are important to ensure the proper functioning of the ducts.

Manufacturing rectangular ductwork requires precision to create a quality product.

To support you in the precision of the product you need, at GG123 we are ready, we design, manufacture and install the best rectangular ducts on the market.


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      Fidel Baltazar Sierra Chávez
      Sep 20, 2023

      Medidas y precios por metro de conductos

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